Strawberry Pretzel Salad Parfaits

· 3/4 cup crushed pretzel pieces + 4 whole mini pretzels

· 1/2 Tablespoon sugar

· 4 Tablespoons melted butter

· 1 - 8 ounce package cream cheese, softened

· 1/2 cup powdered sugar

· 1/2 Tablespoon vanilla bean paste

· 1 - 16 ounce container Cool Whip, thawed and divided

· 1 cup Homemade Strawberry Pie Filling

· Mix together the crushed pretzel pieces, sugar, and butter. Divide the mixture evenly in the bottom of four 7-8 ounce jars. 

· Beat the cream cheese and powdered sugar until creamy. Stir in the vanilla bean paste and 1 1/2 cups Cool Whip gently. 

· Spoon the cheesecake filling into the jars gently. Or you can use a disposable piping bag and icing tip #12 to swirl it in easier. 

· Top with the strawberry pie filling and refrigerate until ready to serve. 

· Swirl on some extra Cool Whip using icing tip 1M and top with a mini pretzel right before serving.

· These are best if served the day you make them or one day after. The pretzel crust will start to soften if they are in the refrigerator for more than 2 days.

Source : here


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